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What is the shortcut to find next occurrence of a word in IntelliJ IDEA?

In Eclipse the keyboard shortcut to find next occurrence of a word in a file was Ctrl + k . It finds the occurrence of the selected word in a file one by one in a loop. What is the equivalent keyboard shortcut for IntelliJ IDEA? If not can we configure it some how?

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Aniket Thakur Avatar asked Jul 11 '13 04:07

Aniket Thakur

People also ask

How do I select the next occurrence in IntelliJ?

Successively press Alt+J to find and select the next occurrence of case-sensitively matching word or text range.

What is Ctrl Shift O in IntelliJ?

In Eclipse, you press CTRL + SHIFT + O “Organize Imports” to import packages automatically. For IntelliJ IDEA, if you press CTRL + ALT + O “Optimize Imports”, it just removes some unused imports, never imports any package.

What is Ctrl K in IntelliJ?

In eclipse its nicer: once you hit ctrl-K it caches the text, so even if you switch to another file when you hit ctrl-K again, it finds the occurrence there (and it wraps). Not that your answer is wrong, just would be nice if intellij would have the same behaviour.

2 Answers

First you'll have to highlight a symbol by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F7.

Then you just press F3 or Shift+F3 no navigate between the highlighted symbols.

When done you press Esc to exit the highlight searching.

It is all described on Highlightning Usages in IntelliJ Web Help.

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maba Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Add selection for the next occurrence on Linux Alt+J

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Honghe.Wu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
