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IntelliJ Find Action on Mac opens terminal app by error

When I press Cmd + Shift + A in IntelliJ it should open the "Find Action..." dialog. Instead it opens Terminal.app with the apropos command.

How can I resolve this problem?

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Alex Avatar asked Apr 18 '19 13:04


People also ask

How do I stop a terminal from running in Intellij?

You can run a process with ⌃R (macOS), or Shift+F10 (Windows/Linux). To stop a process, you can use ⌘F2 on macOS, or Ctrl+F2 on Windows/Linux.

1 Answers

Seems in MacOs 10.14.4 a new default shortcut was enabled - Services -> Search man Page Index in Terminal. It uses the same shortcut as Find Action - Cmd+Shift+A. As a result using Find Action in the IDE could sometimes open terminal window with apropos <smth> command output.enter image description here

like image 116
Petr Rastegaev Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Petr Rastegaev