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Automatically displaying VCS annotations in IntelliJ IDEA

Is there a way to have IntelliJ IDEA automatically display Git / VCS annotations in the left margin for every file that I open? Right now, I can bring them up by right-clicking in the left margin and choosing Annotate or by using the VCS -> Git -> Annotate menu option. Both of these options are cumbersome when I want to view annotations for dozens of files in a row.

I'm using IntelliJ Ultimate 12.1.3.

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Josh Rosen Avatar asked May 14 '13 06:05

Josh Rosen

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Enable annotations Right-click the gutter in the editor or in the Differences Viewer and select Annotate with Git Blame from the context menu. You can assign a custom shortcut to the Annotate command: go to the Keymap page of the IDE settings Ctrl+Alt+S and look for Version Control Systems | Git | Annotate.

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2 Answers

I found that by using the keyboard path it was pretty straight forward. {ALT + S} > g > n - will display the annotations, but I wanted a faster way.

So i created a shortcut. File > Settings > Keymap > Main menu > VCS > GIT > right click annotate and 'add keyboard shortcut' - I used {Ctrl + Alt + z} since that didn't conflict with any I already had.

Hope that helps

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adswebwork Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09


I was searching for the same feature for a while, but couldn't find in intellij 13.0.

So I ended up adding up shortcut(Ctrl Alt 0) through File->Settings->keymap, which will show or hide the VCS annotation.

intellj vcs annotation

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prayagupa Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
