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Debug web app in IntelliJ, webapp built by maven, run by jetty

I'm using s/o code, it's a java webapp built by maven. The webapp is run by maven script, like below, and the app is run on localhost:8080, :

<build>         <plugins>             <plugin>                 <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId>                 <artifactId>jetty-maven-plugin</artifactId>                 <version>8.1.8.v20121106</version>                 <configuration>                     <contextPath>/</contextPath>                     <connectors>                         <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">                             <!--<port>8085</port>-->                             <port>8080</port>                             <maxIdleTime>60000</maxIdleTime>                         </connector>                     </connectors>                     <stopKey>stop</stopKey>                     <stopPort>8089</stopPort>                 </configuration>             </plugin>                     </plugins> </build> 

I want to attach the debugger of IntelliJ so that I can step through the code. I tried to set up a debugger configuration like: Jetty Server, then 'Remote' but it said Application Server not specified. I also tried with 'Local', it said 'main config file not included'.

So what must I do to attach the debugger? Thanks in advance.

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EyeQ Tech Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 11:02

EyeQ Tech

People also ask

How do I run jetty in IntelliJ?

You could use your Jetty Server in Intellij IDEA using a Run/Debug Configuration : Run > Edit Configurations... > + > Jetty Server > Local. Then you can add artifacts (war exploded) that will be deployed on your jetty and then simply launch it via Debug (doc here). Did you already try this ?

2 Answers

The easiest way is to:

  1. Expand your project in the Maven Projects tab.
  2. Expand Plugins > jetty items.
  3. Right-click jetty:run.
  4. Choose Debug from the context menu.

screen shot of "Maven Projects" panel, context-menu to run Jetty in debug mode

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Kkkev Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09


I know it's too late to reply this question, but It's worth sharing the latest update on this issue as a modern solution: You can also run jetty using “mvnDebug jetty:run” which has the same effect. Which display the following logs in the terminal

Preparing to Execute Maven in Debug Mode Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000 [INFO] Scanning for projects... 

Just remember to choose the correct socket address(e.g. 8000), then:

  1. Open Intellij
  2. Run -> Edit Configuration
  3. In Run/Debug Configuration window, you need to click on (+) button to add a new configuration
  4. Select Remote
  5. Keep the default configuration as is, just change the listening port to corresponding one (8000).


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Ahmad AlMughrabi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Ahmad AlMughrabi