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keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in Intellij IDEA

Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in intellij?

I have two projects open and the only way I've found to select the non-active project is to drag the top window/frame out of the way and then click on it.

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ferbs Avatar asked Apr 20 '10 17:04


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2 Answers

On osx, I use the standard keystroke (both Command+~ or Command+` seem to work) for switching windows within an application.

On windows, I use alt+tab.

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larham1 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09


Annoyingly, you can use "Cmd + `" to switch through your windows but it doesn't loop back to the first window when you reach the end. You have to use "Shift + Cmd + `" to go in the reverse direction.

enter image description here

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andrhamm Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
