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Intellij IDEA 12. Return to last active tab

How can I configure Intelli-J IDEA to show last visited tab after closing current tab (as in Eclipse)?

Example: I opened User.java tab, then opened another tab and closed it. But after closing tab IDE shows me any random tab, but I want navigate back to the User.java tab.

like image 932
WelcomeTo Avatar asked May 02 '13 10:05


People also ask

How do I go to previous tab in Intellij?

Switch between tabs You can also switch between recently viewed tabs or files. In the editor, press Ctrl+Tab . Keep pressing Ctrl for the Switcher window to stay open. Use Tab to switch between tabs and other files.

How do I navigate to previous step in Intellij?

To navigate backwards, press Ctrl+Alt+Left . To navigate forward, press Ctrl+Alt+Right . To navigate to the last edited location, press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace .

How do I see all tabs in Intellij?

If you tend to open a lot of tabs, you can keep all your pinned tabs in one row. To do so, select Show pinned tabs in a separate row on the Editor | General | Editor Tabs page of the IDE settings Ctrl+Alt+S .

What is the shortcut to close all tabs in Intellij?

Go to Settings by ctrl+Alt+S. Go to keymap where you can search (close all) and add your desire shortcut key for it.

1 Answers

This has been fixed in recent versions of IntelliJ. However, it requires you to change a setting:

  1. Preferences>>Editor>>General>>Editor Tabs
  2. Set When closing active editor: to Activate most recently opened Tab

enter image description here

like image 129
multidynamic Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10
