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Vim Dvorak keybindings (rebindings :)

Although I played with it before, I'm finally starting to use Dvorak (Simplified) regularly. I've been in a steady relationship with Vim for several years now, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to remap the key bindings to suit my newfound Dvorak skills.

How do you remap Vim's key bindings to best work with Dvorak?

Explanations encouraged!

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cdleary Avatar asked Oct 03 '08 00:10


2 Answers

I use one of the more common recommended keybindings:

Dvorak it! no d h no h j no t k no n l no s : no S : no j d no l n no L N Added benefits no - $ no _ ^ no N <C-w><C-w> no T <C-w><C-r> no H 8<Down> no T 8<Up> no D <C-w><C-r> 

Movement keys stay in the same location. Other changes:

  • Delete 'd' -> Junk 'j'
  • Next 'n' -> Look 'l'
  • Previous 'N' -> Look Back 'L'

There were also some changes for familiarity, 's'/'S' can be used to access command mode (the old location of the :, which still works).

Added Benefits

  • End of line '$' -also- '-'
  • Beginning of line '^' -also- '_'
  • Move up 8 'T'
  • Move down 8 'H'
  • Next window <C-w><C-w> -also- 'N'
  • Swap windows <C-w><C-r> -also- 'D'


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Adam Davis Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Adam Davis

I don't find that I need to remap the keys for Dvorak -- I very quickly got used to using the default keybindings when I switched layouts.

As a bonus, it means that I don't have to remember two different key combinations when I switch between Dvorak and Qwerty. The difference in keyboard layout is enough that I'm not expecting keys to be in the same location.

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Andrew Aylett Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Andrew Aylett