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Vim for Word (or something like it)




Are there any rich-text editors that have Vi(m) keybindings? Specifically, something like Word where I can compose a document with colors, headings, et al. but use Vi(m) bindings to move around and compose?

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MichaelThompson Avatar asked Feb 25 '09 15:02


People also ask

Can you use Vim in Word?

You can use the text editor of your choice with vim keys (vim, emacs, sublime, atom, vscode ,etc.) and write your document in markdown.

How do I use Vim as word processor?

Vim comes with a built-in spellcheck ability. You can make your “WordProcessor” function use that ability by using the command setlocal spell spelllang=en_us . You can define multiple languages here in a comma-separated list. Find more language files at this Vim FTP site.

What's the use of Vim?

Vim is a text editor for Unix that comes with Linux, BSD, and macOS. It is known to be fast and powerful, partly because it is a small program that can run in a terminal (although it has a graphical interface). It is mainly because it can be managed entirely without menus or a mouse with a keyboard.

Can Vim open DOCX?

vim is just a wrapper around OS X's textutil command, which supports docx in recent versions of OS X, so it would just involve adding a few lines to the script.

2 Answers

So if you have to use MS Word and want vim key bindings, there is an add on, but if you are not bound to that I would def. go for LaTeX + the vim latex suite.

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André Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10


Are you familiar with Latex?

Simply put it allows you to format your documents in plain text using tags or commands.

You then "compile" your document into the final format .pdf,.ps, etc.


   \documentclass{article}    \title{Cartesian closed categories and the price of eggs}    \author{Jane Doe}    \date{September 1994}    \begin{document}        \maketitle          Hello world!    \end{document} 

This will allow you to write in vim, but still get professional non plain text output for your documents.

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Brian Gianforcaro Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Brian Gianforcaro