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Serialization of RegExp

If somebody would be interested, there is a nice workaround. I don't think, that current behaviour is correct. For example, Date instance is not serialized to empty object like RegExp, though it is an object and also has no JSON representation.

RegExp.prototype.toJSON = RegExp.prototype.toString;

// sample
var foo = { rgx: /qux$/ig, date: new Date }

//> {"rgx":"/qux$/gi","date":"2014-03-21T23:11:33.749Z"}"

Both JSON.stringify and JSON.parse can be customized to do custom serialization and deserialization by using the replacer and reviver arguments.

var o = {
  foo: "bar",
  re: /foo/gi

function replacer(key, value) {
  if (value instanceof RegExp)
    return ("__REGEXP " + value.toString());
    return value;

function reviver(key, value) {
  if (value.toString().indexOf("__REGEXP ") == 0) {
    var m = value.split("__REGEXP ")[1].match(/\/(.*)\/(.*)?/);
    return new RegExp(m[1], m[2] || "");
  } else
    return value;

console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o, replacer, 2), reviver));

You just have to come up with your own serialization format.

Yes, because there's no canonical representation for a RegExp object in JSON. Thus, it's just an empty object.

edit — well it's 2018 now; the answers suggesting solutions using .toJSON() etc are probably fine, though I'd add the method to the prototype with

Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, "toJSON", {
  value: RegExp.prototype.toString

and so on. That ensures that the function name isn't enumerable, which makes the monkey-patch somewhat more hygienic.

Here's how I solved this issue:

Serialize it as a string:

var pattern = /foobar/i;
var serialized = JSON.stringify(pattern.toString());

Then rehydrate it using another regex:

var fragments = serialized.match(/\/(.*?)\/([a-z]*)?$/i);
var rehydrated = new RegExp(fragments[1], fragments[2] || '');

Preserves the pattern and flags - hope this helps someone!

RegExp.prototype.toJSON = RegExp.prototype.toString;

var regexp = /^[0-9]+$/;
var foo = { rgx: regexp.source, date: new Date };
var stringified = JSON.stringify(foo);
new RegExp(JSON.parse(stringified).rgx)

I think a good approach would be something like this:

function stringifyFilter(key,value) {
    if (value instanceof RegExp) {
        return value.toString();

    return value;

var myObj = {
    text : 'Howdy ho!',
    pattern : /[a-z]+/i

JSON.stringify(myObj,stringifyFilter); // output: {"text":"Howdy ho!","pattern":"/[a-z]+/i"}