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Redux TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined

Update your redux dev tools from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1


Remove this line from your code


I had this same issue when I wanted to test my web app on an incognito window (extensions don't show up on incognito windows).

The issue is that compose from redux expects all its arguments to be functions. So when


is evaluated in that environment it returns a boolean.

As @knutwalker mentioned. You'd need to return a function that returns nothing. This fixed it for me,

        ? window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__()
        : f => f

The last stack shows a call to compose in client/src/store.js:9 where the second argument is window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__().

If you have the devtools disabled however, __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ is undefined and becomes the second argument to compose function. It is still explicitly provided, which is different from it being implicitly undefined by omission, so the compose implementation thinks that there are two valid arguments and expects them to be functions, not undefined.

You should return a dummy function in case there are no devtools available, something like the maybe, though I'm not quite sure what the exact signature must be to satisfy the createStore function.


For me, I added the redux-devtools extension to Chrome and The error went away as soon as I added redux-devtools to the browser and you don't need to use ternary operator as well.


The reason for this error is in the question itself. Just enable React and Redux DevTools extension. It worked for me for the same error.