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Separating Angular Material cards vertically

I want to list items in an array vertically with cards, but there is no space between them. I tried to use padding but it seems it doesn't work.

card image

How can I have these cards spaced?

<ng-container *ngIf="titles?.length; else noTitle">
    <mat-card class="asd cardPardding" *ngFor="let title of titles">

  <ng-template #noTitle>
    <mat-card class="asd cardPardding">
      No title !

This is css

.asd {
  width: 80%;
  margin: 0 auto; /* Added */

.inputasd {
  width: 100%;

.cardPadding {
  padding: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 50px;
like image 303
Alperzkn Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 13:08


People also ask

How do I display two mat cards on the same row?

Try adding display: inline-block !

What is matcard?

<mat-card> is a content container for text, photos, and actions in the context of a single subject.

How do I change the height of my mat card?

Set fxFlexAlign="stretch" to have all mat-card in same height. Save this answer.

How do you use a Matcard?

The <mat-card> is a container for the content that can be used to insert the media, text & action in context to the single subject. The basic requirement for design the card is only an <mat-card> element that has some content in it, that will be used to build simple cards.

1 Answers


<ng-container *ngIf="titles?.length; else noTitle">
    <mat-card class="my-class-name asd cardPardding" *ngFor="let title of titles">

<ng-template #noTitle>
    <mat-card class="asd cardPardding">
            No title !

.css/.scss file

    margin-bottom: 10px;
like image 98
Krishna Rathore Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Krishna Rathore