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`save_count` parameter animation matplotlib``

I was looking at the documentation of matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation

at http://matplotlib.org/api/animation_api.html .

What does save_count do?

like image 390
Abhishek Tripathi Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 00:10

Abhishek Tripathi

1 Answers

One way to find this info is to use IPython. For example I executed the following in my session:

In [7]: from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
In [8]: FuncAnimation??

This brought up the function documentation, which is more detailed then what is posted on the web api.

    # Amount of framedata to keep around for saving movies. This is only
    # used if we don't know how many frames there will be: in the case
    # of no generator or in the case of a callable.
    self.save_count = save_count

This is a nice way to go about finding documentation in general. I hope this helps!

like image 142
wgwz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10
