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Unit and functional testing a PySide-based application?

I'm building a PySide 1.1.0-based application, and have been looking for good examples to look at for unit and functional testing my application. I want to be able to do functional testing of the UI (simulating clicks, key presses, etc), unit testing of UI slots that alter the layout of the UI (presumably using a partially-mocked sender and receiver), as well as unit testing of code that involves widgets, but without requiring any windows to be rendered.

As one example, I dynamically create submenus of one menu in the menubar when an item is added to a model (QAbstractItemModel-derived object) that provides data to a QTreeView. The model and submenu must stay in sync, so I want to be able to write a unit test that submits data to the controller that manages the model and submenu, and asserts that both the model and submenu were properly updated.

I would prefer to NOT have to set up a QApplication in my test code if I can avoid it. I also would like to not have to display any windows when I only care about validating data structures in widgets, not their visualization.

I can't find anything of suitable value at http://www.pyside.org or in my Google searches. Does anyone have any experience or know of good sample code that I should look at?

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Kris Hardy Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 19:06

Kris Hardy

People also ask

What is the difference between functional tests and unit tests?

Unit testing helps isolate specific code and determine if the unit works as intended. The goal is to facilitate early detection of code flaws that may be difficult to find and fix in later testing stages. Functional testing helps verify that each application feature works as intended.

What is unit testing in frontend?

Unit testing It analyzes individual components and functions to ensure they're working as expected. This is crucial for any frontend application, testing your components and features against how you expect them to behave in production, leading to a stable codebase and a reliable app for your customers.

What is unit testing in Python with example?

Unit testing is a technique in which particular module is tested to check by developer himself whether there are any errors. The primary focus of unit testing is test an individual unit of system to analyze, detect, and fix the errors. Python provides the unittest module to test the unit of source code.

2 Answers

I've been playing around a bit now with unit-testing pyside code and came to the conclusion that combining python's unittest module with qt's QTest module works pretty good.

You will have to have a QApplication object instantiated, but you do not need to run its exec_ method, because you don't need the event loop to be running.

Here is an example on how I test if a QCheckBox in a dialog does what it is supposed to do:

class Test_PwsAddEntryDialog(TestCase):
    """Tests the class PwsAddEntryDialog."""

    def test_password_strength_checking_works(self):
        """Tests if password strength checking works, if the corresponding check
        box is checked.
        d = PwsAddEntryDialog()
        # test default of internal flag
        # type something
        QTest.keyClicks(d.editSecret, "weak", 0, 10)
        # make sure that entered text is not treated as a password
        self.assertEqual(d.labelPasswordStrength.text(), "")
        # click 'is password' checkbox
        QTest.mouseClick(d.checkIsPassword, Qt.LeftButton)
        # test internal flag changed
        # test that label now contains a warning
        self.assertTrue(d.labelPasswordStrength.text().find("too short") > 0)
        # click checkbox again
        QTest.mouseClick(d.checkIsPassword, Qt.LeftButton)
        # check that internal flag once again changed
        # make sure warning disappeared again
        self.assertEqual(d.labelPasswordStrength.text(), "")

This completely works off-screen, involves clicking widgets and typing text in a QLineEdit.

Here is how I test a (rather simple) QAbstractListModel:

class Test_SectionListModel(TestCase):
    """Tests the class SectionListModel."""

    def test_model_works_as_expected(self):
        """Tests if the expected rows are generated from a sample pws file
        model = SectionListModel(SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT)
        l = len(SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT)
        self.assertEqual(model.rowCount(None), l)
        i = 0
        for section in SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT.iterkeys():
            self.assertEqual(model.data(model.index(i)), section)
            i += 1

I hope this helps a littlebit.

like image 63
Chris Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


In my case, I was getting an error 'QPixmap: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice'.

If you need to have a QApplication instance for your tests (eg use QPixmap), here's one way to do it. Just create a singleton so that you are ensured one and only one QApplication instance.

This is buried as a helper for tests in the PySide source.

import unittest

from PySide.QtGui import QApplication
_instance = None

class UsesQApplication(unittest.TestCase):
    '''Helper class to provide QApplication instances'''

    qapplication = True

    def setUp(self):
        '''Creates the QApplication instance'''

        # Simple way of making instance a singleton
        super(UsesQApplication, self).setUp()
        global _instance
        if _instance is None:
            _instance = QApplication([])

        self.app = _instance

    def tearDown(self):
        '''Deletes the reference owned by self'''
        del self.app
        super(UsesQApplication, self).tearDown()

and then subclass UsesQApplication

from PySide import QtGui

class Test(UsesQApplication):

    def setUp(self):
        #If you override setup, tearDown, make sure
        #to have a super call
        super(TestFilterListItem, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(TestFilterListItem, self).tearDown()

    def testName(self):
        pix = QtGui.QPixmap(20,20)

hope this helps

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well Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10
