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Save array of objects in state - ReactJS

I am building a ReactJS application, and I need to store data in this way:

this.state = {
    user: {
        name: "",
        surname: "",
        age: "",
        instruments: [],

The instruments state needs to contain several objects, with properties name and experience. An example:

instruments: [
        name: 'Bass guitar',
        experience: 7,
        name: 'Drums',
        experience: 1,

I'm new to React, so far I have been able to save data in similar arrays by doing this:

        let musicListenArray = this.state.user.music_listen ? this.state.user.music_listen : [];
        this.setState({user: {...this.state.user, music_listen: musicListenArray}});

However, when I try to save an object with the following code I receive an error:

        // save current instruments state in array, or create an empty one 
        let array = this.state.user.instruments ? this.state.user.instruments : [];

        // in this.state.instruments I saved a temporary copy of the selected instrument, put it in the array
        this.setState({user: {...this.state.user, instruments: array }});
        console.log('instrum. state: ', this.state.user.instruments);

Error code

Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {name, experience}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead or wrap the object using createFragment(object) from the React add-ons. Check the render method of `EditProfile`.

My EditProfile render part for the instruments

<div className="container-tags">
    {this.state.user.instruments ? this.state.user.instruments.map(function (instrument, index) {
        return <button className="btn btn-default">{instrument}</button>;
    }) : <div></div>}

Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks

like image 258
The Condor Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 11:03

The Condor

1 Answers

Instrument is an object, and you are trying to render it, use the specific value that you wants to render, Try this:

    let user = this.state.user;  
    user['music_listen'] = val.value;
    this.setState({user: user);

    let user = this.state.user;
    user['instruments'] = user['instruments'] ? user['instruments'] : [];
    this.setState({user: user});

In render function use this:

{this.state.user.instruments ? 
     this.state.user.instruments.map((instrument, index) => {
        return (<button className="btn btn-default">{instrument.name}</button>)
like image 140
Mayank Shukla Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 10:03

Mayank Shukla