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AngularJS Update Array Items by a Given Key

I'm using AngularJS to create a site.

There's my array:

$scope.replyList = [
    "id": "85485",
    "reply_content": "aaaaaaa",
    "reply_gender": "1",
    "reply_author": "John"
    "id": "85487",
    "reply_content": "bbbbbbb",
    "reply_gender": "1",
    "reply_author": "Ben"
    "id": "85504",
    "reply_content": "ccccccc",
    "reply_gender": "1",
    "reply_author": "Wang"

What I want to do is update the item value by a given key id.

For example, I'd like to update the content with id 85485. How can you deal with that?

$scope.replyList[{id: 85475}].reply_content = 'dddddd'; /* failed */

Thank you very much.

like image 369
Benyi Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 02:03


1 Answers

Use Array#find method to get the array element.

$scope.replyList.find(function(v) {
  return v.id == 85475;
}).reply_content = 'dddddd';

// or with ES6 arrow function 

$scope.replyList.find(v => v.id == 85475).reply_content = 'dddddd';

var replyList = [{
  "id": "85475",
  "reply_content": "aaaaaaa",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "John"
}, {
  "id": "85487",
  "reply_content": "bbbbbbb",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "Ben"
}, {
  "id": "85504",
  "reply_content": "ccccccc",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "Wang"

replyList.find(function(v) {
  return v.id == 85475;
}).reply_content = 'dddddd';


For older browser check polyfill option of find method.

UPDATE : If you want to update all the element with that particular id then use Array#forEach method to iterate. Actually, there is no need of Array#find method since you just want to update the value.

$scope.replyList.forEach(function(v) {
   if(v.id == 85475) v.reply_content = 'dddddd';

var replyList = [{
  "id": "85475",
  "reply_content": "aaaaaaa",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "John"
}, {
  "id": "85487",
  "reply_content": "bbbbbbb",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "Ben"
}, {
  "id": "85504",
  "reply_content": "ccccccc",
  "reply_gender": "1",
  "reply_author": "Wang"

replyList.forEach(function(v) {
  if (v.id == 85475) v.reply_content = 'dddddd';

like image 138
Pranav C Balan Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 02:03

Pranav C Balan