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Search array of object with filter and keyword

I have an array, filter and keyword. i want to search in that array using filter and keyword, with result array of object too. Just like first array.

var data = [
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User A", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User B", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User C", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User D", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User E", Level:"Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User F", Level:"Standart"}
var filter = "Level";
var keyword = "Standart";


like image 613
Renandatta Rooziq Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 18:03

Renandatta Rooziq

2 Answers

You can use the Array.prototype.filter function which takes a callback and filters accordingly. Per the documentation:

The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

The callback, which is the provided function, takes three arguments. From the documentation:


Function is a predicate, to test each element of the array. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise, taking three arguments:


The current element being processed in the array.


The index of the current element being processed in the array.


The array filter was called upon.

We may use element to check the current element and test if it should be filtered or not, like so:

var data = [
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User A", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User B", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User C", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User D", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User E", Level:"Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User F", Level:"Standart"}
var filter = "Level";
var keyword = "Standart";

var filteredData = data.filter(function(obj) {
	return obj[filter] === keyword;


Here, we use a callback (the test) that checks if the current element (obj)'s property specified in filter is strictly equal to keyword. If it passes, it is kept, and thus all objects with property Level with vale Standart are kept. You can also shorten this with ES6 arrow functions:

var filteredData = data.filter((obj) => obj[filter] === keyword);

This is just shorthand for the above. It is effectively the same, returning true or false based on if the current element's Level property is strictly equal to keyword.

like image 129
Andrew Li Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 08:03

Andrew Li

You can use the array.prototype.filter() function to filter through the array with a custome function:

var data = [
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User A", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User B", Level:"Super Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User C", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User D", Level:"Standart"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User E", Level:"Admin"},
  {email: "[email protected]",nama:"User F", Level:"Standart"}
var filter = "Level";
var keyword = "Standart";

var filtered_data = data.filter(function(item) {
    return item[filter] == keyword

like image 39
Ding Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 08:03
