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Running bash script from within python





People also ask

Can you run bash scripts in Python?

Is there any way to execute the bash commands and scripts in Python? Yeah, Python has a built-in module called subprocess which is used to execute the commands and scripts inside Python scripts.

How do you call a shell script from Python?

If you need to execute a shell command with Python, there are two ways. You can either use the subprocess module or the RunShellCommand() function. The first option is easier to run one line of code and then exit, but it isn't as flexible when using arguments or producing text output.

How do I run a bash script in Pycharm?

Show activity on this post. Select View > Tool Windows > Terminal from the main menu in Pycharm to open an embedded terminal. Show activity on this post. This doesn't seem to allow remote interpreter path in the Bash configuration file, right?

What is %% bash in Python?

%%bash. Means, that the following code will be executed by bash. In bash $() means it will return with the result of the commands inside the parentheses, in this case the commands are: gcloud config list project --format "value(core.project)" Google cloud has its own command set to control your projects.

Making sleep.sh executable and adding shell=True to the parameter list (as suggested in previous answers) works ok. Depending on the search path, you may also need to add ./ or some other appropriate path. (Ie, change "sleep.sh" to "./sleep.sh".)

The shell=True parameter is not needed (under a Posix system like Linux) if the first line of the bash script is a path to a shell; for example, #!/bin/bash.

If sleep.sh has the shebang #!/bin/sh and it has appropriate file permissions -- run chmod u+rx sleep.sh to make sure and it is in $PATH then your code should work as is:

import subprocess

rc = subprocess.call("sleep.sh")

If the script is not in the PATH then specify the full path to it e.g., if it is in the current working directory:

from subprocess import call

rc = call("./sleep.sh")

If the script has no shebang then you need to specify shell=True:

rc = call("./sleep.sh", shell=True)

If the script has no executable permissions and you can't change it e.g., by running os.chmod('sleep.sh', 0o755) then you could read the script as a text file and pass the string to subprocess module instead:

with open('sleep.sh', 'rb') as file:
    script = file.read()
rc = call(script, shell=True)

Actually, you just have to add the shell=True argument:

subprocess.call("sleep.sh", shell=True)

But beware -

Warning Invoking the system shell with shell=True can be a security hazard if combined with untrusted input. See the warning under Frequently Used Arguments for details.


If someone looking for calling a script with arguments

import subprocess

val = subprocess.check_call("./script.sh '%s'" % arg, shell=True)

Remember to convert the args to string before passing, using str(arg).

This can be used to pass as many arguments as desired:

subprocess.check_call("./script.ksh %s %s %s" % (arg1, str(arg2), arg3), shell=True)

Make sure that sleep.sh has execution permissions, and run it with shell=True:


import subprocess
print "start"
subprocess.call("./sleep.sh", shell=True)
print "end"

If chmod not working then you also try

import os
os.system('sh script.sh')
#you can also use bash instead of sh

test by me thanks

Adding an answer because I was directed here after asking how to run a bash script from python. You receive an error OSError: [Errno 2] file not found if your script takes in parameters. Lets say for instance your script took in a sleep time parameter: subprocess.call("sleep.sh 10") will not work, you must pass it as an array: subprocess.call(["sleep.sh", 10])