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Can a dictionary be passed to django models on create?

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Can you create a dictionary in a dictionary Python?

In Python, you can create a dictionary dict with curly brackets {} , dict() , and dictionary comprehensions.

Which built in method is used to create a new dictionary?

A dictionary in Python is made up of key-value pairs. In the two sections that follow you will see two ways of creating a dictionary. The first way is by using a set of curly braces, {} , and the second way is by using the built-in dict() function.

How do you convert a class object to a dictionary in Python?

By using the __dict__ attribute on an object of a class and attaining the dictionary. All objects in Python have an attribute __dict__, which is a dictionary object containing all attributes defined for that object itself. The mapping of attributes with its values is done to generate a dictionary.

If title and body are fields in your model, then you can deliver the keyword arguments in your dictionary using the ** operator.

Assuming your model is called MyModel:

# create instance of model
m = MyModel(**data_dict)
# don't forget to save to database!

As for your second question, the dictionary has to be the final argument. Again, extra and extra2 should be fields in the model.

m2 =MyModel(extra='hello', extra2='world', **data_dict)