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Run ssh and immediately execute command [duplicate]





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How do I run a command in SSH?

Run the command "ssh username@host" to log in to the system. At the command prompt, run "top" to view process activity on the remote system. Exit top and be dropped to the remote command line. Type "Exit" to close the command.

ssh -t 'command; bash -l'

will execute the command and then start up a login shell when it completes. For example:

ssh -t [email protected] 'cd /some/path; bash -l'

You can use the LocalCommand command-line option if the PermitLocalCommand option is enabled:

ssh username@hostname -o LocalCommand="tmux list-sessions"

For more details about the available options, see the ssh_config man page.

This isn't quite what you're looking for, but I've found it useful in similar circumstances.

I recently added the following to my $HOME/.bashrc (something similar should be possible with shells other than bash):

if [ -f $HOME/.add-screen-to-history ] ; then
    history -s 'screen -dr'

I keep a screen session running on one particular machine, and I've had problems with ssh connections to that machine being dropped, requiring me to re-run screen -dr every time I reconnect.

With that addition, and after creating that (empty) file in my home directory, I automatically have the screen -dr command in my history when my shell starts. After reconnecting, I can just type Control-P Enter and I'm back in my screen session -- or I can ignore it. It's flexible, but not quite automatic, and in your case it's easier than typing tmux list-sessions.

You might want to make the history -s command unconditional.

This does require updating your $HOME/.bashrc on each of the target systems, which might or might not make it unsuitable for your purposes.