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Emulating a do-while loop in Bash

People also ask

Is there a do while loop in bash?

There is no do-while loop in bash. To execute a command first then run the loop, you must either execute the command once before the loop or use an infinite loop with a break condition.

Why shell does not have do while loop?

bash (or Posix shells in general) don't have an explicit syntax for a post-test loop (commonly known as a "do-while" loop) because the syntax would be redundant.

What does $() mean in bash?

Dollar sign $ (Variable) The dollar sign before the thing in parenthesis usually refers to a variable. This means that this command is either passing an argument to that variable from a bash script or is getting the value of that variable for something.

Two simple solutions:

  1. Execute your code once before the while loop

    actions() {
       # Do other stuff
    actions #1st execution
    while [ current_time <= $cutoff ]; do
       actions # Loop execution
  2. Or:

    while : ; do
        [[ current_time <= $cutoff ]] || break

Place the body of your loop after the while and before the test. The actual body of the while loop should be a no-op.

    #do other stuff
    (( current_time <= cutoff ))

Instead of the colon, you can use continue if you find that more readable. You can also insert a command that will only run between iterations (not before first or after last), such as echo "Retrying in five seconds"; sleep 5. Or print delimiters between values:

i=1; while printf '%d' "$((i++))"; (( i <= 4)); do printf ','; done; printf '\n'

I changed the test to use double parentheses since you appear to be comparing integers. Inside double square brackets, comparison operators such as <= are lexical and will give the wrong result when comparing 2 and 10, for example. Those operators don't work inside single square brackets.

This implementation:

  • Has no code duplication
  • Doesn't require extra functions()
  • Doesn't depend on the return value of code in the "while" section of the loop:
while $do || conditions; do
  # your code ...

It works with a read loop, too, skipping the first read:

while $do || read foo; do

  # your code ...
  echo $foo

We can emulate a do-while loop in Bash with while [[condition]]; do true; done like this:

while [[ current_time <= $cutoff ]]
    #do other stuff
do true; done

For an example. Here is my implementation on getting ssh connection in bash script:

while [[ $STATUS != 0 ]]
    ssh-add -l &>/dev/null; STATUS="$?"
    if [[ $STATUS == 127 ]]; then echo "ssh not instaled" && exit 0;
    elif [[ $STATUS == 2 ]]; then echo "running ssh-agent.." && eval `ssh-agent` > /dev/null;
    elif [[ $STATUS == 1 ]]; then echo "get session identity.." && expect $HOME/agent &> /dev/null;
    else ssh-add -l && git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --merge && return 0; fi
do true; done

It will give the output in sequence as below:

Step #0 - "gcloud": intalling expect..
Step #0 - "gcloud": running ssh-agent..
Step #0 - "gcloud": get session identity..
Step #0 - "gcloud": 4096 SHA256:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /builder/home/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
Step #0 - "gcloud": Submodule '.google/cloud/compute/home/chetabahana/.docker/compose' ([email protected]:chetabahana/compose) registered for path '.google/cloud/compute/home/chetabahana/.docker/compose'
Step #0 - "gcloud": Cloning into '/workspace/.io/.google/cloud/compute/home/chetabahana/.docker/compose'...
Step #0 - "gcloud": Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address 'XXX.XX.XXX.XXX' to the list of known hosts.
Step #0 - "gcloud": Submodule path '.google/cloud/compute/home/chetabahana/.docker/compose': checked out '24a28a7a306a671bbc430aa27b83c09cc5f1c62d'
Finished Step #0 - "gcloud"