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Ruby: How to check if a string contains multiple items?




I'm familiar with Ruby's include? method for strings, but how can I check a string for multiple things?

Specifically, I need to check if a string contains "Fwd:" or "FW:" (and should be case insensitive)

Example string would be: "FWD: Your Amazon.com Order Has Shipped"

like image 824
Shpigford Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 20:01


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1 Answers

the_string =~ /fwd:|fw:/i

You could also use something like

%w(fwd: fw:).any? {|str| the_string.downcase.include? str}

Though personally I like the version using the regex better in this case (especially as you have to call downcase in the second one to make it case insensitive).

like image 68
sepp2k Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
