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Pretty Print SQL in Ruby

Is there an easy way to pretty print random SQL in the (rails 3) console?

Something similar to awesome_print, or maybe even Pretty Print.

It doesn't have to understand all the dialects possible or be super-advanced.
All I really want is to inspect the SQL generated by ActiveRecord easier.

Currently I just copy the SQL go online to format it which is obviously a productivity killer.

I really want to query.to_sql.pretty_format_sql and see the nicer output.


like image 346
Dmytrii Nagirniak Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 08:04

Dmytrii Nagirniak

1 Answers

Try this:

git clone https://github.com/sonota/anbt-sql-formatter
cd anbt-sql-formatter
rails setup.rb

Then, in a Rails initializer:

# config/initializers/pretty_format_sql.rb
class String
  def pretty_format_sql
    require "anbt-sql-formatter/formatter"
    rule = AnbtSql::Rule.new
    rule.keyword = AnbtSql::Rule::KEYWORD_UPPER_CASE
    %w(count sum substr date).each{|func_name|
      rule.function_names << func_name.upcase
    rule.indent_string = "    "
    formatter = AnbtSql::Formatter.new(rule)


rails console
# Some complex SQL
puts Recipe.joins(:festivity).where(['? BETWEEN festivities.starts_at AND festivities.ends_at', Time.utc(0,Time.now.month,Time.now.day,12,0,0)]).to_sql.pretty_format_sql
        "recipes" . *
        "recipes" INNER JOIN "festivities"
            ON "festivities" . "id" = "recipes" . "festivity_id"
            '0000-04-27 12:00:00.000000' BETWEEN festivities.starts_at AND festivities.ends_at
 => nil 

I leave refining to you (refactoring: monkey-patching -> module, customized formatting, etc :-) )

like image 105
mdesantis Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
