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Group consecutive rows of same value using time spans

Sorry for the vague title (I just don't know how to describe this conundrum)

Give the following schedule table for a classroom:

║ Classroom ║ CourseName ║  Lesson   ║ StartTime ║ EndTime ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║ Lesson 1  ║      0800 ║    0900 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║ Lesson 2  ║      0900 ║    1000 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║ Lesson 3  ║      1000 ║    1100 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 2   ║ Lesson 10 ║      1100 ║    1200 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 2   ║ Lesson 11 ║      1200 ║    1300 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║ Lesson 4  ║      1300 ║    1400 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║ Lesson 5  ║      1400 ║    1500 ║

I would like to group the table to display this:

║ Classroom ║ CourseName ║ StartTime ║ EndTime ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║      0800 ║    1100 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 2   ║      1100 ║    1300 ║
║      1001 ║ Course 1   ║      1300 ║    1500 ║

Basically we are looking at a schedule that show which crouse is using what classroom during a certain timespan...

My initial thought was: Group by Classroom and CourseName and take Max and Min for start\end time but that will not give me the time spans it will show as if Course 1 is using the Classroom from 08:00 - 16:00 with no break in the middle.

like image 706
Mortalus Avatar asked Jun 16 '14 13:06


2 Answers

If you're using SQLServer 2012 or better you can use LAG to get the previous value of a column, then SUM() OVER (ORDER BY ...) to create a rolling sum, in this case one that count the change of the CourseName, that can be used as the GROUP BY anchor

With A AS (
  SELECT ClassRoom
       , CourseName
       , StartTime
       , EndTime
       , PrevCourse = LAG(CourseName, 1, CourseName) OVER (ORDER BY StartTime)
  FROM   Table1
), B AS (
  SELECT ClassRoom
       , CourseName
       , StartTime
       , EndTime
       , Ranker = SUM(CASE WHEN CourseName = PrevCourse THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
                OVER (ORDER BY StartTime, CourseName)
  FROM   A
SELECT ClassRoom
     , CourseName
     , MIN(StartTime) StartTime
     , MAX(EndTime) EndTime
GROUP BY ClassRoom, CourseName, Ranker
ORDER BY StartTime

SQLFiddle demo

like image 117
Serpiton Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10


The query determines each rows EndTime by using NOT EXISTS to make sure no other class or course of a different type is scheduled between a course range's StartTime and EndTime and then uses MIN and GROUP BY to find the StartTime.

The NOT EXISTS part ensures that there aren't "breaks" between the StartTime and EndTime ranges by searching for any rows that have an EndTime between StartTime and EndTime but belong to a different CourseName or CourseRoom.

        SELECT MAX(t2.EndTime)
        FROM tableA t2
        WHERE t2.CourseName = t1.CourseName
        AND t2.ClassRoom = t1.ClassRoom
        AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tableA t3
            WHERE t3.EndTime < t2.EndTime 
            AND t3.EndTime > t1.EndTime
            AND (t3.CourseName <> t2.CourseName 
            OR t3.ClassRoom <> t2.ClassRoom)
    ) EndTime
    FROM tableA t1
) t0 GROUP BY t0.ClassRoom, t0.CourseName, t0.EndTime


like image 30
FuzzyTree Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
