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Ruby/Rails - How to Create a Class and Access it from the Controller

I've been trying to use a few different gems for displaying googlemaps within rails 3 and have had several problems.

Luckily I found this https://github.com/YouthTree/bhm-google-maps which is a helper and it seems to work for others.

I've installed it properly but in the readme https://github.com/YouthTree/bhm-google-maps/blob/master/README.md it mentions creating a class for the object to display in the view.

The example they gave was

class Location
   attr_accessor :address, :lat, :lng
   def initialize(address, lat, lng)
      @address = address
      @lat = lat
      @lng = lng
  def to_s; address.to_s; end

And then running

 <%= draw_map_of Location.new("My House", 12.345, 56.789) %>

in the view.

It seems simple enough but I haven't experienced the need of creating a class before in rails so I have some questions.

Should I create a location.rb file and place the above code in it, but where should I place the file? (model folder, application folder????)

Is there a way for me to create this class within my controller?

Ideally I would like to manipulate the lat/lng values as variables and display a dynamic map.

like image 379
ChrisWesAllen Avatar asked Mar 02 '11 22:03


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1 Answers

You should put location.rb wherever you feel it makes the most sense. Having it at app/models/location.rb will ensure that it's automatically required when your app starts, but some people expect that classes in app/models are backed by ActiveRecord.

You could also put it under lib/ if you prefer.

To make it available to the app, you can include require statement in project initializers inside your config folder:

require "#{Rails.root}/lib/location.rb"

As for creating it inside your Controller - definitely! It's just another instance of a class:

def show
  @location = Location.new("My House", 12.345, 56.789)

And then in your view:

<%= draw_map_of @location %>

Don't forget – beneath Rails is all the power and flexibility of pure Ruby, ready to be used. You're not only limited to what Rails gives you.

like image 197
dnch Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
