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chef only_if attribute equals true

Problem: I have a chef statement that should only run if the attribute is "true". But it runs every time.

Expected Behavior: When default[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install] = "false" dotnet4 should not be installed.

Actual Behavior: No matter what the attribute is set to, it installs dotnet4.

My code:

attribute file:

default[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install] = "false"

recipe file:

windows_package "dotnet4" do
    only_if node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install]=='true'
    source "#{node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_URL]}"
    installer_type :custom
    action :install
    options "/quiet /log C:\\chef\\installLog4.txt /norestart /skipmsuinstall"
like image 996
tbenz9 Avatar asked Jul 15 '14 16:07


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2 Answers

Guards that run Ruby must be enclosed in a block {} otherwise Chef will try to run the string in the default interpreter (usually bash).

windows_package "dotnet4" do
    only_if        { node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install] == 'true' }
    source         node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_URL]
    installer_type :custom
    action         :install
    options        "/quiet /log C:\\chef\\installLog4.txt /norestart /skipmsuinstall"

Check if you need boolean true instead of "true"

Also, use the plain variable name (for source) unless you need to interpolate other data with the string quoting.

like image 85
Matt Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10


That is a Ruby conditional, so you need to use a block for your not_if:

only_if { node[:QuickBase_Legacy_Stack][:dotNetFx4_Install]=='true' }

(Please take note of the added {}). You can also use the do..end syntax for multiline conditions:

only_if do

Finally, please make sure your value is the String "true" and not the value true (see the difference). In Ruby, true is a boolean (just like false), but "true" is a string (just like "foo") Checking if true == "true" will return false.

like image 45
sethvargo Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10
