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Round minute down to nearest quarter hour






People also ask

How do you round to the nearest quarter hour?

For employers who track to the closest quarter hour, you should apply the “7-minute rule.” If an employee works an extra 1-7 minutes, the time can be rounded down to the closest quarter hour. If an employee works an extra 8-14 minutes, the time should be rounded up to the closest quarter hour.

How do you round to the nearest quarter?

Firstly, Check the two digits sequence next to the decimal place value. If xy mod(25) > 12 then round up and the nearest quarter is xy + (25 – xy mod(25)). On rounding up if you get the nearest quarter ending in . 00 then increase the one's place value by 1.

How do you round to the nearest quarter hour in Excel?

So, use CEILING(A2,1/96) to round up to the next higher quarter hour. Use MROUND(A2,1/96) to round to the nearest quarter hour, and then use FLOOR(A2,1/96) to round to the lower quarter hour-- always goes back.

How do you round to the nearest 0.25 in Excel?

Excel ROUND function Num_digits - the number of digits to round the number to. You can supply a positive or negative value in this argument: If num_digits is greater than 0, the number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. For example =ROUND(15.55,1) rounds 15.55 to 15.6.

$seconds = time();
$rounded_seconds = round($seconds / (15 * 60)) * (15 * 60);

echo "Original: " . date('H:i', $seconds) . "\n";
echo "Rounded: " . date('H:i', $rounded_seconds) . "\n";

This example gets the current time and rounds it to the nearest quarter and prints both the original and the rounded time.

PS: If you want to round it down replace round() with floor().

Your full function would be something like this...

function roundToQuarterHour($timestring) {
    $minutes = date('i', strtotime($timestring));
    return $minutes - ($minutes % 15);

$now = getdate();
$minutes = $now['minutes'] - $now['minutes']%15;

 //Can add this to go to the nearest 15min interval (up or down)
  $rmin  = $now['minutes']%15;
  if ($rmin > 7){
    $minutes = $now['minutes'] + (15-$rmin);
      $minutes = $now['minutes'] - $rmin;

$rounded = $now['hours'].":".$minutes;
echo $rounded;

To round nearest quarter hour use below code

$time = strtotime("01:08");
echo $time.'<br />';
$round = 15*60;
$rounded = round($time / $round) * $round;
echo date("H:i", $rounded);

01:08 become 01:15

Lately I like tackling a problem the TDD/unit testing way. I am not programming much PHP anymore lately, but this is what I came up with. To be honest I actually looked at the code examples here, and picked the one I thought was already correct. Next I wanted to verify this by unit testing using the tests you provided above.

class TimeTest

require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';
require_once 'Time.php';

class TimeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase 
    protected $time;

    protected function setUp() {
        $this->time = new Time(10, 50);

    public function testConstructingTime() {
        $this->assertEquals("10:50", $this->time->getTime());
        $this->assertEquals("10", $this->time->getHours());
        $this->assertEquals("50", $this->time->getMinutes());        

    public function testCreatingTimeFromString() {
        $myTime = Time::create("10:50");
        $this->assertEquals("10", $myTime->getHours());
        $this->assertEquals("50", $myTime->getMinutes());

    public function testComparingTimes() {
        $timeEquals     = new Time(10, 50);
        $timeNotEquals  = new Time(10, 44);

    public function testRoundingTimes()
        // Round test time.
        $roundedTime = $this->time->round();
        $this->assertEquals("10", $roundedTime->getHours());
        $this->assertEquals("45", $roundedTime->getMinutes());

        // Test some more times.
        $timesToTest = array(
            array(new Time(1,00), new Time(1,12)),
            array(new Time(3,15), new Time(3,28)),
            array(new Time(1,00), new Time(1,12)),

        foreach($timesToTest as $timeToTest) {

class Time


class Time
    private $hours;
    private $minutes;

    public static function create($timestr) {
        $hours      = date('g', strtotime($timestr));
        $minutes    = date('i', strtotime($timestr));
        return new Time($hours, $minutes);

    public function __construct($hours, $minutes) {
        $this->hours    = $hours;
        $this->minutes  = $minutes;

    public function equals(Time $time) {
        return  $this->hours == $time->getHours() &&
                 $this->minutes == $time->getMinutes();

    public function round() {
        $roundedMinutes = $this->minutes - ($this->minutes % 15);
        return new Time($this->hours, $roundedMinutes);

    public function getTime() {
        return $this->hours . ":" . $this->minutes;

    public function getHours() {
        return $this->hours;

    public function getMinutes() {
        return $this->minutes;

Running Test

alfred@alfred-laptop:~/htdocs/time$ phpunit TimeTest.php 
PHPUnit 3.3.17 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 0 seconds

OK (4 tests, 12 assertions)

$minutes = ($minutes - ($minutes % 15));