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Returning an iterator over a template vector

I've been searching around for something similar but couldn't find it (or what I found wasn't helpful). I'm trying to be able to have an iterator over a vector of a template class, returning it and using it outside the class, as demonstrated in the code below.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

namespace ns {

 template <class T>
 class test {

   vector<T> container;

   typedef vector<T>::iterator iterator;

   vector<T>::iterator begin() {
    return container.begin();

   vector<T>::iterator end() {
    return container.end();



int main(void) {
 test<int> inters;

 for (ns::test<int>::iterator i = inters.begin(); i != inters.end(); i++) {
  // bla bla bla

 cout << "end" << endl;
 return 0;

(you can also check out the code here: http://codepad.org/RuXCYF6T)

I get the following error on line 15:

error: type '__gnu_debug_def::vector<_Tp, std::allocator<_CharT> >' is not derived from type 'ns::test<T>'
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.

Thanks in advance.

like image 564
takecare Avatar asked Oct 18 '11 16:10


1 Answers

I got different errors than you (missing typename, missing ;, missing ns::). Apparently, the different errors messages were from different versions of GCC. You ran this under g++ 4.1.2. I use g++ 4.6.1.

After fixing all of the errors, this works for me:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

namespace ns {

 template <class T>
 class test {

   vector<T> container;

   typedef typename vector<T>::iterator iterator; // first change: add typename

   typename vector<T>::iterator begin() { // 2nd: add typename
    return container.begin();

   typename vector<T>::iterator end() { // 3rd: add typename
    return container.end();

 }; // 4th: add semi

} // 5th: delete semi

int main(void) {
 ns::test<int> inters; // 6th: add ns::

 for (ns::test<int>::iterator i = inters.begin(); i != inters.end(); i++) {
  // bla bla bla

 cout << "end\n"; // 7th: avoid endl
 return 0;

See also: http://codepad.org/gcJBCFOD

like image 99
Robᵩ Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
