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C++ standard: default "const T& value" in vector constructor for type 'int'




explicit vector ( size_type n, const T& value= T(), const Allocator& = Allocator() );

vector<int> vec(10);
cout << "vec.size: " << vec.size() << endl;
for (vector<int>::const_iterator iter=vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter)
    cout << *iter << endl;

Output from VS2010:

vec.size: 10

Question>: Based on the latest C++ standard, what is the default int value when we define an object of vector by using vectorObject(size_type)?

Here as you can see, VS2010 outputs 0 as the default int value. But I don't know whether or not this is required by C++ standard.

like image 891
q0987 Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 20:08


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The default value of constant variables are zero. A program that demonstrates the declaration of constant variables in C using const keyword is given as follows.

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According to ESR, const was added in the ANSI C Draft Proposed Standard. Eric Giguere's summary of ANSI C, dated 1987, confirms it.

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The const keyword specifies that a variable's value is constant and tells the compiler to prevent the programmer from modifying it.

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1 Answers

Yes, this is the required behavior. T() for any numeric type T yields 0 (of type T, of course).

This is called value initialization, which for numeric types is the same as zero initialization.

like image 157
James McNellis Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

James McNellis