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ReSharper - How to show custom snippet in IntelliSense

I've created a custom snippet that contains a shortcut proplto. If I hit Ctrl-K, Ctrl-X and open My Code Snippets I can select my snippet. I can also type proplto in code, hit TAB and the snippet is inserted. However, I can't find a way to display my snippet in IntelliSense. It shows prop and propg but not my proplto. I tried adding my snippet by going to Resharper > Templates Explorer, selecting C# and importing my snippet file. It says "No templates of type 'Live Templates' found in the file.'

VS2013 Ultimate ReSharper 8.2

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Rubio Avatar asked Oct 29 '14 13:10


1 Answers

ReSharper Live Templates feature does not support Microsoft Code Snippets. So, you need to create a new live template manually in ReSharper | Template Explorer | C# | New and type needed code there. More info how to create Live Templates you may find here

After you adding proplto Live Template to Templates Manager, it will be available in IntelliSense.

ReSharper 9.0:
ReSharper>Tools>Templates Explorer

like image 149
Alexander Kurakin Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 18:11

Alexander Kurakin