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Why is Resharper only finding usages in certain projects?



I've recently upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 and things have been ok sofar with the exception of Find Usages in Resharper. When looking for usages of a particular method it only seems to display usages in test projects but not in other projects where the method is clearly used. I've been looking through the Resharper options to try and find out if something is configured strangely but with no success.

Any ideas? Find Usages has always worked fine for me and it would seem strange for it to default to find usages in only a subset of the projects in a solution. Note that this is not just restricted to methods, it's find usages for pretty much anything.

like image 780
Ben Franklin Avatar asked Sep 22 '15 15:09

Ben Franklin

1 Answers

I was shown a solution to this problem this morning which is quite simple. Just clear the Resharper cache. To do this, in visual studio do the following:

Resharper -> Options -> Environment -> General

There should be a button in the Caches section 'Clear Caches' Click on this and then restart Visual Studio.

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Ben Franklin Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11

Ben Franklin