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ctrl + enter doesn't work after installing resharper

I installed Resharper in visual studio 2013, but ctrl + enter (Insert a blank line above the cursor) doesn't work anymore.

like image 597
Saman Qaydi Avatar asked Nov 10 '14 21:11

Saman Qaydi

People also ask

How do I enable ReSharper shortcuts?

Keyboard Scheme You can switch between two default keyboard shortcut schemes or choose None to configure ReSharper shortcuts yourself, in Visual Studio options (Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard). Click Apply to apply the selected scheme.

How to Reset ReSharper shortcuts?

Install ReSharper (or any other extension that massively re-maps keyboard shortcuts) Uninstall or disable the extension installed in #2. Go to Tools->Options->Keyboard, choose (Default) and click Reset. Click Yes.

What shortcut key is used to rename method in ReSharper?

Press Ctrl+Shift+R and then choose Rename. Right-click and choose Refactor | Rename from the context menu. Choose ReSharper | Refactor | Rename… from the main menu.

1 Answers

Resharper re-maps CTRL+Enter to Resharper_ForceCompleteItem. To get it back just map it back to Edit.LineOpenAbove (in Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard in Visual Studio)

Alternatively, if you know the Vi keys then install the VsVim Extension and use SHIFT+O to insert above and O to insert below the cursor.

like image 56
Piers Myers Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 10:11

Piers Myers