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Resharper formatting chained method

Is there a setting in R# to format chained method to start at the same character of the class instantiated.

What I want:

var foo = new FooDataBuilder()

What R# is giving me:

var foo = new FooDataBuilder()
like image 639
Alexandre Rondeau Avatar asked Mar 16 '13 14:03

Alexandre Rondeau

1 Answers

With Resharper 7.1.2, you can get the following formatting:

var foo = new FooDataBuilder().WithDate(myDate)

By setting the following Resharper options:

Code Editing->C#->Formatting Style->Line Breaks and Wrapping->Line Wrapping->Wrap chained method calls to Chop always


enable Code Editing->C#->Formatting Style->Other->Align Multiline Constructs->Chained method calls

I don't think you can align with FooDataBuilder() unless you do it manually. (This has been confirmed by @Dmitry Osinovskiy from Jetbrains so this may be the closest you're going to get to what you want.)

like image 60
Piers Myers Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Piers Myers