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Resharper compatibility issue with ASP.NET core 1.0

Today I installed .NET Core framework and when I created a new ASP.NET Core project I noticed that Resharper marks almost all razor keywords such "Html", "Section" and "ViewData" as "cannot resolve symbol" and all the quick actions regarding when editing those keywords are unavailable. Also it marks almost all html tags that come with ASP.NET as cannot resolve as well. I am sure that bug comes from Resharper since disabling resharper fixes it. I tried:

  • Reinstalling Resharper with latest version.
  • Stopping and then resuming Resharper in Tools > Option
  • Reinstalling .NET Core altogether (for some other reason, but problem still exist)

I really like Resharper and since I work on other projects side by side ASP.NET project, I really rather not disable Resharper entirely and if you can't think of any solution for this compatibility problem, I would be thankful if you can tell me how to disable Resharper on cshtml files only, cuz all these red keywords are really annoying.

Update: I found out how to disable inspection on cshtml files according to https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/2016.1/Code_Analysis__Configuring_Warnings.html

like image 923
Soorena Aban Avatar asked Jul 26 '16 19:07

Soorena Aban

1 Answers

After downloading EAP 19 from the following link, I no longer have this problem.


Here's the bug report that was used to fix this https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-458852#u=1463700018013

like image 104
Gary Brunton Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Gary Brunton