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What's your favourite ReSharper's plugins, what is still missing in? [closed]



I'm new in ReSharper - I found it very useful but also noticed some gaps I'd like to fill.

I wonder to know
1) what ReSharper's plugins you use.
2) what missing functionalities you are extremely interested to have in inside?

From my side:

A) spell check my XML comments (have to use Agent Smith)

a) numbered bookmarking (Deplhi-like) (forced to use DPack)
b) right align variables / operands (as described here)
c) possibility to collapse all projects in solution browser (again need use DPack)

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Maciej Avatar asked Aug 19 '09 09:08


3 Answers

There's one plugin for R# that is completely different from any other plugins. It's called WhySharper and it dovetails R# and this very site, stackoverflow.

Quite often, people ask questions as "why R# recommends this" and "why R# suggests that". With WhySharper installed, you can quickly get complete and detailed explanations to pretty much anything - directly from your Visual Studio! - or ask for an explanation if it's missing.

A bit more details at my blog here.

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andreister Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


StyleCop for ReSharper provides Alt + Return correction of StyleCop guideline violations.

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The Chairman Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

The Chairman

AgentJohnson and AgentSmith provide lots of goodies to R#; I tried also a plugin for NHibernate HBMs but is not that good.

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Nicolas De Irisarri Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Nicolas De Irisarri