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Replace node-sass by a platform agnostic SASS compiler in a React project

We are a team of about 6 developers with heterogeneous setups (Windows 10, Ubuntu, macOS) and have started developing with React.

Scripting between Linux/macOS & Windows was a pain, so we decided to use Bash for Windows to run our builds. This works quite well once you've setup Bash correctly, and the integration with VS Code is great. But there is a big catch: whenever you want to update your project outside of Bash (with CMD or PowerShell), you're effectively switching your OS, and then you've got a nice error from node-sass saying that your environment has changed.

Since rebuilding node-sass simply never works, the only way we've found to get rid of this problem is deleting or renaming node_modules & running npm install again, but it's very time/resource consuming.

We've seen that it looks like there is a native js alternative but we'd like to see if there's anyone that has experienced the same & has found a suitable solution.

We really don't have massive SASS files, so we don't care so much about performance (which is the main point of doing it in C++ with libSass).

Note: We can't always use Bash on Windows because we have some messy Maven integration in some Java / React apps that runs npm builds and this will always be in Windows.

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LeoLozes Avatar asked Jul 12 '17 07:07


People also ask

Should I use sass or node-sass?

For smaller or typical Sass projects, Dart-Sass(JS) is perfect, it's easy to install without any external binding dependencies like node-sass. If your sass files take time to compile and if Node-Sass supports all the features you used, then go with Node-Sass!

2 Answers

We use an Angular 6 frontend in our application and had the same problem. We solved it by checking in the needed binaries into the repository and used different Maven profiles (one for every environment/os, default is linux for our CI) to set the sass-binary-path to its environment specific binary. However, it only works if you have a build system capable of setting environment variables. Another caveat is that you have to manually update your binaries.

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dnl.re Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10


One option is to use some PostCSS plugins: PreCSS & postcss-preset-env. There is a good, brief article here for the transition.

I have not done so myself; but researching to do so for a large-ish project. I have seen a few projects that had SASS notation, then noticed they were using only PostCSS+plugins, avoiding the node-sass mess. Just passing along the info.

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tomByrer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
