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How to submit a form in React Native

I feel crazy asking this question here, but I can't find any good tutorials for how to submit a form and capture the data for RN. Everything I do find is someone pushing a library "just npm install react-native-form-genie-magic-box and call it in your project"...

but I just want to know - How to submit a form in vanilla React Native.

Sample code:

class AuthContainer extends Component {
  render() {
    const {  errorMessage, handleLogin } = this.props
    return (
       onLoginClick={(e) => handleLogin(e)}

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  return {
    handleLogin: (e) => {
      const form = e.target
      const data = serialize(form, {hash: true})
      const creds = { email:data.email, password: data.password }


import { Container, Content, Form, Item, Input, Label, Button, Text } from 'native-base';
const Login = ({errorMessage, onLoginClick}) => {
  return (
        <Form >
          {errorMessage &&
          <Item floatingLabel>
          <Item floatingLabel last>
            <Input secureTextEntry={true} />
          <Button onPress={onLoginClick} ><Text>Sign in</Text></Button>

Question: How can I just capture the submitted email and password in AuthContainer's handleLogin function?

like image 348
tomtom Avatar asked Jul 02 '17 18:07


People also ask

How do I add a form to react native?

First off, install the React Native Picker by running npm install @react-native-picker/picker --save or yarn add @react-native-picker/picker . You can take your knowledge of this component further by learning what props the components take in to control how the picker options are displayed.

Can we use form tag in react native?

For example there is no form element in react native as opposed to HTML. While it is still possible to create and manage forms in react native, there are several libraries a developer can use to create and control forms in their application.

1 Answers

On the <input you need to add something like this, example:

<Input onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({username: text})} value={this.state.username}

And when you use the onPress function you just need to get the this.state.username and use it when you want. I don't usually do a function that handle the Login or something in other .js so you need to pass the this.state.username to the page that handles it.

What i usually do if I really need to pass something to other page is using GLOBALS, example:

// globals.js 
module.exports = {
  username: '',

And then to use the globals.js

// import the globals.js
GLOBAL = require('./globals');

<Input onChangeText={(text) => this_onButtonPressed(text) value={this.state.username}/>

  GLOBAL.username = this.state.username
  // call function that handles it

And then on the page that handles it you need to import it again and just use GLOBAL.username.

If you didn't understand it tell me I will try to explain it better, I need to know if you want to handle the login on a different .js or it can be on the .js that has the Form (its easier like this)

like image 142
Brunaine Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10
