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react native how to check if Component current show in screen

In my React native' project i need to check when component is shown in screen to update UI by background thread.

I have look around component props specs and try componentWillUnmount,componentWillMount but it not working in my case.

I have try using navigator.getCurrentRoutes() too, but it return empty object.

Please help me solve this case!.

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QViet Avatar asked Aug 23 '16 07:08


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1 Answers

If you use react-navigation you can try useFocusEffect useFocusEffect

But if you don't use it, you can subscribe to the event onLayout of a View. It will trigger whenever your component is mount or your screen's layout change. React Native onLayout

like image 174
Thinh Trinh Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 16:10

Thinh Trinh