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Change props depending on breakpoint with SSR support

I'm using material-ui@v5, ie. the alpha branch.

Currently, I have a custom Timeline component which does this:

const CustomTimeline = () => {
  const mdDown = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down("md"));

  return (
    <Timeline position={mdDown ? "right" : "alternate"}>
      {/* some children */}

It works mostly as intended, but mobile users may experience layout shift because useMediaQuery is implemented using JS and is client-side only. I would like to seek a CSS implementation equivalence to the above code to work with SSR.

I have thought of the following:

const CustomTimeline = () => {

  return (
      <Timeline sx={{ display: { xs: "block", md: "none" } }} position="right">
        {/* some children */}
      <Timeline sx={{ display: { xs: "none", md: "block" } }} position="alternate">
        {/* some children */}

This will work since the sx prop is converted into emotion styling and embedded in the HTML file, but this will increase the DOM size. Is there a better way to achieve that?

like image 273
Matthew Kwong Avatar asked May 13 '21 07:05

Matthew Kwong

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1 Answers

I have experienced the same problem before and I was using Next.js to handle SSR. But it does not matter.

Please first install this package and import it on your root, like App.js

import mediaQuery from 'css-mediaquery';

Then, create this function to pass ThemeProvider of material-ui

  const ssrMatchMedia = useCallback(
        (query) => {
            const deviceType = parser(userAgent).device.type || 'desktop';
            return {
                matches: mediaQuery.match(query, {
                    width: deviceType === 'mobile' ? '0px' : '1024px'

You should pass the userAgent!

Then pass ssrMatchMedia to MuiUseMediaQuery

                    props: {
                        MuiUseMediaQuery: {

This should work. I am not using material-UI v5. Using the old one. MuiUseMediaQuery name might be changed but this approach avoid shifting for me. Let me know if it works.

like image 79
oakar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
