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useEffect hook not being mocked by jest.spyOn

I'm new to React Hooks and what I'm trying to achieve is to test a React component (called CardFooter) that contains a call to useEffect hook that gets triggered a global context variable is modified.


const CardFooter = props => {
  const [localState, setLocalState] = useState({
    attachmentError: false
  const globalContext = useContext(GlobalContext);
  React.useEffect(()=> {
    attachmentError: globalContext.data.attachmentError


import Enzyme, { shallow } from 'enzyme';    
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
describe('<CardFooter  />', () => {
  let useEffect;
  const mockUseEffect = () => {
    useEffect.mockImplementation(f => f());

  useEffect = jest.spyOn(React, "useEffect");
  mockUseEffect(); //

  it('should render correctly with no props.', () => {

  const mockUseEffect = () => {
    useEffect.mockImplementation(f => f());

  useEffect = jest.spyOn(React, "useEffect");

  const wrapper = shallow(<CardFooter />);


the error that I'm getting when running the test is:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachmentError' of undefined

I tried the approach presented here: https://medium.com/@pylnata/testing-react-functional-component-using-hooks-useeffect-usedispatch-and-useselector-in-shallow-9cfbc74f62fb . However it seems that shallow does not pick the mocked useEffect implementation. I also tried mocking the useContext and the globalContext.data.attachmentError. Nothing seems to work.

like image 481
otto Avatar asked Jan 05 '20 16:01


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How do you mock react State in Jest?

To enable us to mock useState, we use React. useState (line #5) instead of using the usual named import (i.e. import { useState } from 'react'). Below is our Jest unit test for the component. Before rendering the component for testing, we create a constant 'setStateMock' and mock it with a jest function jest.

How does useEffect () hook gets executed?

To trigger the useEffect hook before unmounting the component from the screen, we can return a function from the callback function. The function returned by the callback will be executed before that component is unmounted.

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1 Answers

Try this. Notice the "jest.spyOn" is placed inside "beforeEach"

  beforeEach(() => {
    jest.spyOn(React, "useEffect").mockImplementationOnce(cb => cb()());
     // .... other things ....
like image 57
xeiton Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
