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Remove app from play store



I've uploaded an app in play store and later I unpublished that. Anyhow, if the users who already installed and used the app. Even if the user uninstall the app, that time also he is able to see the app in play store using the app play store link. Is there any possibilities to delete the app completely from Play store?

My wish is, I don't want to see the app anymore in play store even for the existing users

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Rajkumar K Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 05:01

Rajkumar K

1 Answers

TL;DR: Open the Play Console. Select an app. Select Release > Setup > Advanced settings. On the App Availability tab, select Unpublish.

Setup - Advanced settings Unpublish app dialog Verify app unpublished

From https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9859350?hl=en&ref_topic=9872026:

When you unpublish an app, existing users can still use your app and receive app updates. Your app won’t be available for new users to find and download on Google Play.


  • You have accepted the latest Developer Distribution Agreement.
  • Your app has no errors that need to be addressed, such as failing to fill in the content rating questionnaire or provide details about your app's target audience and content.
  • Managed publishing is not active for the app you want to unpublish.

To unpublish your app:

Open the Play Console. Select an app. Select Release > Setup > Advanced settings. On the App Availability tab, select Unpublish.

How to Disable Managed publishing

Managed publishing overview Managed publishing toggle dialog

like image 108
D. Pareek Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

D. Pareek