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Play Store: Can't install app, (Error code: -103)



Yesterday I published my app in Play Store. All went well till today. When I try to install my app from Play Store, it downloads it but when installing it it says:

"My_application" can't be installed. Try again, and if the problem continues, get troubleshooting. (Error code: -103)

I tried installing on multiple devices.

Edit: On some devices it goes through installation process as it should and all goes well.

On others it gives the above error message.

like image 265
Mladen Gavrić Avatar asked Oct 15 '15 12:10

Mladen Gavrić

People also ask

What error code is 910?

The 'Error Code: 910' indicates that the Play Store is unable to install apps on your device due to issues that range from poor connectivity to corrupt temporary files, and other device-related glitches. It's worth mentioning that restarting your phone could fix this error.

What is error code 501 in Play Store?

If you have recently flashed custom ROM into your android phone then error 501 is most likely cause by the incompatibility of Google Apps Package provided by the OS. To solve this problem you need to try re-flashing your OS.

How do I fix app installation errors?

The Android app not installed error can be combated after resetting app permissions. Go to Settings > Apps > Reset App Preferences/Reset Application Permissions. After this, third-party software can be installed on your device.

1 Answers

Older Android devices are unable to recognize SHA256 hash funcitons. Adding:

-sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1

as parameters to jarsigner should solve the issue even when using JDK 1.8.

like image 174
van Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
