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Remap arrow keys onto JKLI whenever holding down a certain modifier key

I'm just wondering if there's a way that I can hold down the control key or something and use my jkli keys as arrow keys. I think it will be easier to program. Is that possible? Thanks.

like image 905
John Richfield Avatar asked Jun 01 '15 14:06

John Richfield

People also ask

How do I change the settings on my arrow keys?

Fortunately, on most keyboards, you can toggle between the standard-setting and the alternate key setting by pressing FN + W keys.

What are the arrow keys called in code?

The arrows are known as cursor control keys (the cursor is the flashing bar on the computer screen that shows your current position). Many keyboards also have a separate pad for these keys (look for a set of arrow keys).

2 Answers

Here's the .ahk script I use.

It remaps arrow keys to ALT + I / J / K / L.

NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; AHK Command       ; key   = Effect        (Description)   

; ALT Keypress Implied for all below

!i::Send {UP}       ; i UP          (Cursor up line)
!k::Send {DOWN}     ; k DOWN            (Cursor down line)

!j::Send {LEFT}     ; j LEFT        (Cursor left one character)
!l::Send {RIGHT}    ; l RIGHT       (Cursor right one character)

!h::Send {HOME}     ; h     ALT + RIGHT (Cursor to beginning of line)
!;::Send {END}      ; ; ALT + LEFT  (Cursor to end of line)

!u::Send ^{HOME}    ; h     SHIFT + HOME    (Cursor to beginning of document)
!o::Send ^{END}     ; o SHIFT + END (Cursor to end of document)

; CTRL + ALT Keypress Implied for all below

!^j::Send ^{LEFT}   ; j     CTRL + LEFT (Cursor left per word)
!^l::Send ^{RIGHT}  ; l CTRL + RIGHT    (Cursor right per word)

; SHIFT + ALT Keypress Implied for all below

!+i::Send +{UP}     ; i SHIFT + UP  (Highlight per line)
!+k::Send +{DOWN}   ; k SHIFT + DOWN    (Highlight per line)

!+j::Send +{LEFT}   ; j SHIFT + LEFT    (Highlight per character)
!+l::Send +{RIGHT}  ; l SHIFT + RIGHT   (Highlight per character)

!+h::Send +{HOME}   ; h SHIFT + ALT + LEFT  (Highlight to beginning of line)
!+;::Send +{END}    ; ; SHIFT + ALT + RIGHT (Hightlight to end of line) 

!+u::Send ^+{HOME}  ; u SHIFT + CTRL + HOME (Highlight to beggininng of document)
!+o::Send ^+{END}   ; o SHIFT + CTRL + END  (Hightlight to end of document) 

; SHIFT + CTRL + ALT Keypress Implied for all below

!+^j::Send +^{LEFT}     ; j SHIFT + CTRL + LEFT (Highlight per word)
!+^l::Send +^{RIGHT}    ; l SHIFT + CTRL + RIGHT    (Hightlight per word)

!+^i::Send +!{UP}   ; i SHIFT + ALT + UP    (Multiply cursor up)
!+^k::Send +!{DOWN} ; k SHIFT + ALT + DOWN  (Multiply cursor down) 

; CTRL + SHIFT Keypress Implied for all below

+^i::Send +^{UP}
+^k::Send +^{DOWN}

Everything after a ; is a comment.

To decipher, use: https://autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm

like image 109
nafzal Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09


Also using AutoHotKey, I really wanted to have key navigation for CAPSLOCK, which is trickier than the special modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, etc). The trick ended up being using the built-in function GetKeyState(...).

I am sharing my results below. The autohotkey script below is based off of nafzal's answer here, but I made it a bit cleaner :)

; Main Navigation
CAPSLOCK & j::MoveCursor("{LEFT}")
CAPSLOCK & l::MoveCursor("{RIGHT}")
CAPSLOCK & i::MoveCursor("{UP}")
CAPSLOCK & k::MoveCursor("{DOWN}")
CAPSLOCK & h::MoveCursor("{HOME}")
CAPSLOCK & `;::MoveCursor("{END}")

; Navigation Combos
MoveCursor(key) {
    shift := GetKeyState("SHIFT","P")
    control := GetKeyState("CONTROL","P")
    controlShift := control && shift

    if controlShift {
        Send, ^+%key%
    else if shift {
        Send, +%key%
    else if control {
        Send, ^%key%
    else {
        Send, %key%

; Alternatively, using Alt...
ALT & j::MoveCursor("{LEFT}")
ALT & l::MoveCursor("{RIGHT}")
ALT & i::MoveCursor("{UP}")
ALT & k::MoveCursor("{DOWN}")
ALT & h::MoveCursor("{HOME}")
ALT & `;::MoveCursor("{END}")
like image 36
Hans Winterhalter Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Hans Winterhalter