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Shortcut for moving code block up and down in Android Studio

is there any shortcut for move a selected code block up and down in android studio?

In Visual Studio 2010+ I just select my block, hold ALT-Key and press arrow up / arrow down. Then, the selected block float up/down.

Is there a similar action in Android Studio?

like image 656
Marco Rehmer Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 08:04

Marco Rehmer

2 Answers

Try Ctrl-Shift-Up or down arrow. I know intellij and as this is based on intellij that might work.

like image 175
Ajay Padala Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Ajay Padala

You can use Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrows to move the selected block up or down.

Here is a list of shortcut keys for Windows&Linux.

like image 26
Adrian C. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Adrian C.