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Shortcut for hide a tool window in Intellij IDEA (Shift + Escape) is not working

I am using Intellij IDEA 13.1.5 and I cannot hide tool windows with default Shift+Esc keyboard shortcut. When I tried to set a different shortcut to the action, I figured out that Settings window cannot detect the Shift+Esc key combination. (I can set a different key combination in settings, but cannot set Shift+Esc. If I press Shift+Esc, IDEA doesn't detect it)

What could be the problem here? Could this be an issue with the OS (I am on Windows 7) so Shift+Esc is not sent to IDEA?

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Lahiru Chandima Avatar asked Feb 28 '15 12:02

Lahiru Chandima

2 Answers

This was caused by a process named PrivacyIconClient.exe which should be using Shift+Esc as a global shortcut. This process is started by PIconStartup.exe which is started at system startup and can be prevented from starting by unchecking it in msconfig.

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Lahiru Chandima Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Lahiru Chandima

Privacy Icon Client can actually be configured to use shortcut another than default Shift + Esc.

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Antek Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
