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IntelliJ IDE suddenly started showing "meta" based shortcuts in windows

I have been since morning digging up all the jetbrains tutorial and googling, if any where I get to see a way or meaning of replacing ctrl as meta in my intelliJ IDEA IDE 12.x version, but surprisingly there is no shortcut or explanation found in my notice till time. Does any one of here know how do I interpret "Meta" keyboard shortcut in order to have my intelliJ shortcuts work. Please see the Screenshot below and guide, how do I interpret in windows?

setting keymap would help? and how can I do that if yes!

enter image description here

Any help would be really appreciated. I am working on Windows on Idea 12.1.4


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AKIWEB Avatar asked Oct 11 '13 21:10


People also ask

How do I change the shortcut key in IntelliJ?

Use ⌘⇧A (macOS), Ctrl+Shift+A (Windows/Linux) for Find Actions and type in the action you'd like to assign a keyboard shortcut to. Then use ⌥⏎ (macOS), or Alt+Enter (Windows/Linux) and type the keys you want to trigger that action in the future. Enjoy your new shortcut!

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There is an on/off toggle in the "Tools" drop down in the top menu bar to temporarily disable it.

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note. On macOS, the default keymap is macOS. There is also IntelliJ IDEA Classic, which is a legacy keymap that resembles the default keymap for Windows. Another keymap specific to macOS is macOS System Shortcuts that follows the Default Mac OS X System Key Bindings conventions.

1 Answers

Meta is NOT a typical Windows key. So possibly you are not using Windows key map. You can change current key map in this way: File -> Settings -> type "Keymap" to search Keymap setting -> change your key map setting.

From @fnl comment: Meta isn't a key typically found on modern machines at all. It's a leftover from Sun's demise, at best. Apple's computers have Control, Option, and Command (aka. Apple Key), much like Window's machines have Control, Alternate, and the Windows Key. So in fact, it's like the Windows or Apple Key, but Meta is so important to some that you often get offered to "replace" the Option/Alt Key with Meta's functionality.

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longhua Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
