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Regular Expression to find brackets in a string




I have a string which has multiple brackets. Let says


I want to extract all the brackets as a separate string.

I tried this:

>>> brackets=re.search(r"[(){}[]]+",s)
>>> brackets.group()

But it is only giving me last two brackets.


Why is that? Shouldn't it fetch one or more of any of the brackets in the character set?

like image 612
user Avatar asked Jun 10 '15 19:06


4 Answers

You have to escape the first closing square bracket.


To combine all of them into a string, you can search for anything that doesn't match and remove it.

brackets = re.sub( r'[^(){}[\]]', '', s)
like image 142
TigerhawkT3 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Use the following (Closing square bracket must be escaped inside character class):

like image 45
karthik manchala Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

karthik manchala

The regular expression "[(){}[]]+" (or rather "[](){}[]+" or "[(){}[\]]+" (as others have suggested)) finds a sequence of consecutive characters. What you need to do is find all of these sequences and join them.

One solution is this:

brackets = ''.join(re.findall(r"[](){}[]+",s))

Note also that I rearranged the order of characters in a class, as ] has to be at the beginning of a class so that it is not interpreted as the end of class definition.

like image 34
Michał Trybus Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Michał Trybus

You could also do this without a regex:

keep = {"(",")","[","]","{","}"}
print("".join([ch for ch in s if ch in keep]))
like image 27
Padraic Cunningham Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Padraic Cunningham