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supervisord always returns exit status 127 at WebFaction

I keep getting the following errors from supervisord at webFaction when tailing the log:

INFO exited: my_app (exit status 127; not expected)
INFO gave up: my_app entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

Here's my supervisord.conf:




pidfile=/home/btaylordesign/tmp/supervisord.pid supervisord.pid

command=celery worker -A my_app --concurrency=3 --loglevel=debug

I'm starting supervisord from the same directory as supervisord.conf:

$ supervisord -c ./supervisord.conf

but I can't seem to find the right combination of settings. I need to be able to do three things:

  1. Start my celery workers in the background and keep them running.
  2. Stop the celery workers when I deploy code.
  3. Restart the celery workers when the deploy is complete.

But, I can't do any of that until I resolve the error. What am I doing wrong?

like image 686
Brandon Avatar asked Feb 20 '15 02:02


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1 Answers

Exit code 127 means "command not found":


Try passing the full path to the celery command:

command=/home/something/bin/celery worker -A my_app --concurrency=3 --loglevel=debug

Also, try setting the redirect_stderr and stdout_logfile options in your [program:x] section to capture the error message and make debugging easier.

like image 137
Steven Kryskalla Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Steven Kryskalla