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Recommended python library/framework for local web app?

I want to create a simple LOCAL web app in Python.

The web server and "back-end" code will run on the same system (initially, Windows system) as the UI. I doubt it matters, but the UI will be a typical webish combo of Google Chrome, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

There are a TON of Python-based web programming frameworks, but they all seem designed for building sophisticated, large-scale apps with lots of back-end infrastructure. I want the opposite: Something very simple, lightweight, and easily self-contained--just enough web server and framework to create/support a local web app.


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Jonathan Eunice Avatar asked Dec 28 '10 04:12

Jonathan Eunice

People also ask

What is the best Python library for app development?

Kivy is an open source Python library for making innovative user interfaces, mobile apps, and games. It is a cross-platform library, which can run on Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, IOS, Raspberry Pi. It is 100% free to use and comes under an MIT License.

1 Answers

I have written a handful of such "local web server" apps since I asked this question. I don't have a final "which framework is best" answer, but I do have some insights:

  1. A simple or micro-framework is indeed a good choice.
  2. I've tried CherryPy and Flask frameworks. Flask is the clear winner for simplicity, with basic "set up some AJAX serving pages" functions entirely trivial to write in Flask. CherryPy documentation is often opaque, and its setup complexity notably higher.
  3. I'm happy with Flask, but I continue to look around. I would especially like to try Bottle, which I've seen reviewed very highly, including in other StackOverflow discussions and this side-by-side comparison: http://www.slideshare.net/r1chardj0n3s/web-microframework-battle web2py also looks worth a try.
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Jonathan Eunice Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Jonathan Eunice