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Google Speech-to-text API, InvalidArgument: 400 Must use single channel (mono)

I keep getting this error InvalidArgument: 400 in google Speech-to-text, and the problem seems to be that I an using a 2 channel audio(Stereo), and the API is waiting for a wav in (Mono).

If I convert the file in a audio editor it might work, but I cannot use an audio editor to convert a batch of files. Is there a way to change the Audio type in either Python or Google Cloud.

Note: I already tried with the "wave module" but I kept getting an error #7 for file type not recognize(I couldn't read the wav file with the module wave from Python)

-ERROR- InvalidArgument: 400 Must use single channel (mono) audio, but WAV header indicates 2 channels.

like image 783
Jose silvestre Rodriguez Ortiz Avatar asked Mar 11 '19 16:03

Jose silvestre Rodriguez Ortiz

People also ask

Is Google Text-to-Speech API free?

Text-to-Speech is priced based on the number of characters sent to the service to be synthesized into audio each month. You must enable billing to use Text-to-Speech, and will be automatically charged if your usage exceeds the number of free characters allowed per month.

How does Google text-to-speech work?

Speech-to-Text can process up to 1 minute of speech audio data sent in a synchronous request. After Speech-to-Text processes and recognizes all of the audio, it returns a response. A synchronous request is blocking, meaning that Speech-to-Text must return a response before processing the next request.

2 Answers

Assuming you're using the google-cloud-speech library, you could use the audio_channel_count property in your RecognitionConfig and specify the number of channels in the input audio data (it defaults to one channel(mono)). You could do something like this:

from google.cloud import speech

client = speech.SpeechClient()
results = client.recognize(
    audio = speech.types.RecognitionAudio(
        uri = 'gs://your-bucket/recording.wav',
    config = speech.types.RecognitionConfig(
        encoding = 'LINEAR16',
        language_code = 'en-US',
        sample_rate_hertz = 44100,
        audio_channel_count = 2,

See the API doc for further info.

like image 88
LundinCast Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


You should use the below function to dynamically return Audio Chanel & frame_rate it takes the audio file path and returns frame rate and number of Chanel

def frame_rate_channel(audio_file_name): print(audio_file_name) with wave.open(audio_file_name, "rb") as wave_file: frame_rate = wave_file.getframerate() channels = wave_file.getnchannels() return frame_rate,channels

like image 24
syed irfan Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

syed irfan