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python, subprocess: reading output from subprocess

I have following script:


while True:
    x = raw_input()
    print x[::-1]

I am calling it from ipython:

In [5]: p = Popen('./script.py', stdin=PIPE)

In [6]: p.stdin.write('abc\n')

and it works fine.

However, when I do this:

In [7]: p = Popen('./script.py', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)

In [8]: p.stdin.write('abc\n')

In [9]: p.stdout.read()

the interpreter hangs. What am I doing wrong? I would like to be able to both write and read from another process multiple times, to pass some tasks to this process. What do I need to do differently?


If I use communicate, I get this:

In [7]: p = Popen('./script.py', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)

In [8]: p.communicate('abc\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./script.py", line 4, in <module>
    x = raw_input()
EOFError: EOF when reading a line
Out[8]: ('cba\n', None)


I tried flushing:


import sys

while True:
        x = raw_input()
        print x[::-1]

and here:

In [5]: from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

In [6]: p = Popen('./script.py', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)

In [7]: p.stdin.write('abc')

In [8]: p.stdin.flush()

In [9]: p.stdout.read()

but it hangs again.

like image 667
gruszczy Avatar asked Sep 27 '10 14:09


People also ask

How do I get output to run from subprocess?

To capture the output of the subprocess. run method, use an additional argument named “capture_output=True”. You can individually access stdout and stderr values by using “output. stdout” and “output.

How do you call a subprocess in Python?

To start a new process, or in other words, a new subprocess in Python, you need to use the Popen function call. It is possible to pass two parameters in the function call. The first parameter is the program you want to start, and the second is the file argument.

What does Popen return Python?

Description. Python method popen() opens a pipe to or from command. The return value is an open file object connected to the pipe, which can be read or written depending on whether mode is 'r' (default) or 'w'. The bufsize argument has the same meaning as in open() function.

2 Answers

I believe there are two problems at work here:

1) Your parent script calls p.stdout.read(), which will read all data until end-of-file. However, your child script runs in an infinite loop so end-of-file will never happen. Probably you want p.stdout.readline()?

2) In interactive mode, most programs do buffer only one line at a time. When run from another program, they buffer much more. The buffering improves efficiency in many cases, but causes problems when two programs need to communicate interactively.

After p.stdin.write('abc\n') add:


In your subprocess script, after print x[::-1] add the following within the loop:


(and import sys at the top)

like image 74
Daniel Stutzbach Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Daniel Stutzbach

The subprocess method check_output can be useful for this:

output = subprocess.check_output('./script.py')

And output will be the stdout from the process. If you need stderr, too:

output = subprocess.check_output('./script.py', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

Because you avoid managing pipes directly, it may circumvent your issue.

like image 21
JoshD Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
